Peer-reviewed articles and book chapters
“Pioneers and Populists: Sutton E. Griggs, Oscar Micheaux, and Independent Black Publishing at the Turn of the Century.” College Literature, fall 2024.
“Gateways and Borderlands: Teaching Writing in a Divided St. Louis,” with Ryan Prewitt. In Reading, Writing, and Teaching the Rust Belt, forthcoming from Rutgers University Press.
Public writing
“Anvil, the Forgotten Magazine of Heartland Marxism.” Jacobin, 23 Feb. 2025.
“Profit Margins: Oscar Micheaux’s Amazon Novels and the Digital Erasure of Black Publishing History.” Chicago Review, 5 Feb. 2025.
“Art and Radicalism in St. Louis,” with Ryan Prewitt and Simone Sparks. Belt, 18 November 2024.
“No Place to Make a Vote of Thanks: On the Long Tradition of Black Third-Party Activism.” History News Network, 23 April 2024.
“Peter H. Clark: 1909 Annie Malone Dr., St. Louis, MO.” The New Territory, “Literary Landscapes” feature, 4 Oct. 2023.
“James Eads, St. Louis’ Wealthy King of Hoboes.” Belt, 8 Feb. 2023
Book reviews
Workers of All Colors Unite: Race and the Origins of American Socialism by Lorenzo Costaguta. H-Socialisms, March 2024.
To Make Negro Literature: Writing, Literary Pratice, and African American Authorship by Elizabeth McHenry. Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association (JMMLA), fall 2023.